Experiencing Visionary Magick

Hi, I'm Jason Augustus Newcomb. I teach people to experience consciousness abilities that transform their lives.

It is very possible for you to be able to see spirits, magical creatures, auras and hidden dimensions at will. You can have this ability. You just need to know the secrets of how to do it. Your spiritual eye can be opened almost immediately.

I have so many students and colleagues in the metaphysical field that have struggled because they are not able to see clearly on the inner planes. I remember having that problem when I first got started exploring my consciousness over 25 years ago. It took me a long time to discover the exact method that works best for me in opening the "third eye" or "spiritual eye" but I discovered it eventually and I will share it with you.

But that's just the beginning of the story. You see, I've been teaching these profound spiritual techniques for a long time. I've discovered that a lot of people have little blocks set up in their mind that make it seem nearly impossible to open up to the other realms.

Well, I've learned the secrets for sneaking around the back, getting past the the blocks, and sometimes even just knocking the gates down so that literally everyone I work with learns to develop these skills. And I've learned to do it very fast. You can and perhaps will open your abilities tonight if you register now. I am offering this for such a reasonable price because I want to see you succeed.

My training has been in the perennial wisdom traditions through private teachers and secret organizations. I have distilled much of what I've learned and published (that which I was allowed to publish) several books. My books are some of the most practically oriented metaphysical books you will ever purchase. But I haven't published everything I know. Not by a long shot.

Because of my position as the author of numerous successful esoteric and metaphysical books such as The New Hermetics, The Book of Magick Power and 21st Century Mage I have also had the unique opportunity to have deep and "behind closed doors" conversations with with many of the world's most successful esoteric and metaphysical writers and practitioners and I have gained a tremendous amount of practical insight into the best practices for opening the inner eye that nobody is sharing in their books.

I want to share all this with you and more.

I want you to begin to picture this:

  • Yes, you can see nature spirits and the intelligent patterns in all forms.
  • Yes, you can see and communicate with deceased loved ones yourself! in fact it's far easier for you than for any professional medium or clairvoyant!
  • Yes, you can learn to see auras and gain a greater understanding of people instantly.
  • Yes, you can see angels, guardian spirits and other powerful entities and gain their knowledge and power.
  • Yes you can discover hidden worlds and infinite possibilities within consciousness.

This is something totally different than what you may have read about on the internet or in books. This instruction is absolutely the real thing.

I want you to know that as long as you follow my instructions you will experience the things you have been dreaming about and more than you can hardly even imagine at this point. What I teach works more easily and powerfully than anything you have encountered before.

I want you to sign up right away, but I only want you to when you are sure you are ready to open up a whole new perception of reality for yourself. This is a world that few have seen other than sages, masters, mystics and sorcerers. It is a world filled with beauty, wisdom and wonder. If you are ready to experience this I want you to sign up right now.

If you don't register right now I want you to keep thinking about this and as you are walking around in the world I want you to begin to wonder what it would be like to see things with your spiritual eyes more fully open. When you are ready, come back. When you lay down to sleep tonight I want you to think about this session, and all the possibilities that it will open up for you. Then sign up when you are ready.

In this course you will receive three days of video instruction as well as an earlier audio version of this course that is truly just as valuable as the video version here.

6 Lessons

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Session 1 - Introducing the Visionary 101 - PRAT 1

In this session you will learn the most important fundamental techniques and attitudes.

Session 1 - Introducing the Visionary 101 - PART 2 - DEMO

Session 2 - Homework for Visionary 101

Session 3 - Scrying Fundamentals

How to use Crystal balls and mirrors

Session 4 - Incorporating Ritual

How to add more power

BONUS - Thoughts on using my meditation recordings

How to use some of my tools