A Modern Approach to the Ancient Magic of the Greek Magical Papyri

Registration open

A six week course that teaches a hands on approach to working with the spirits and spells of the ancient Greco-Egyptian world that will emphasize understanding the actions and formulas at play and will offer a universal model for magical practice that will amplify any and all magical work. We will explore numerous spells, but also the underpinnings of spells so that you can adapt spells and even develop new uses for spell formulae.

When first exploring the PGM, many practitioners find themselves asking, "where can I find (this or that) ingredient)." Instead, we will be focusing on why the various ingredients are there and what the actual magical process requires.

In this six week course among other things we will explore:

Practical ritual work
Practical working with spirits (Gods and Daimons of the PGM)
Practical Visionary Experiences
Connections and differences between ancient and modern magic
Ancient practical magical approaches
Modern practical magical approaches
Philosophical underpinnings of the PGM
Differences between philosophy, theurgy and sorcery
Formulae, Voces Magica (barbarous names), Charakteres and images
Consecration, invocation and coercion
Working with magical gems
Animating statues
and much more...

Class formats will involve live and recorded video, reading material, and practical ritual work.

If you have ever taken a class with me you know that my courses are truly packed with information, insight and down-to-earth instruction.

There are a number of classes out there teaching this material in one way or another, and those I have seen seem really great. What makes this course unique is that you will leave feeling that you understand the magic at a level that is consistent with our modern understandings of the universe and yet honors and gives service to the ancient worldviews as well.

You are going to love this course. For the next month or so this course is going to be available at 50% off the normal registration for early bird registrants. Even at full cost, this course is extremely affordable for the amount of information you are going to receive. The simplified universal model for all magical spellwork is worth twice the cost of course by itself. Your magic is going to grow exponentially.

As many of you know, I sell many PGM magical tools at my Etsy store ApeOfTrismegistos, and discounts on these will be offered to students at relevant points in the course.

32 Lessons

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Week 0

Week 0

Week 0 - Meditation Recording

Week 0 - Initiation Recording

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 1 - Purification and "Getting Right With the Gods"

Week 2 - Invocation and Phylactery

Week 2 - Invocation and Phylactery

Week 2 - Invocation and Phylactery

Week 3 - Techniques and Principles of Magic, Ancient and Modern

Week 3 - Techniques and Principles of Magic, Ancient and Modern

Week 3 - Techniques and Principles of Magic, Ancient and Modern

Week 3 - Techniques and Principles of Magic, Ancient and Modern

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 4 - Daimons, Dreams and the Dead - Manipulative Spirit Magic

Week 5 - Divine Encounters, Divine Unions and Living Statues

Week 5 - Divine Encounters, Divine Unions and Living Statues

Week 5 - Divine Encounters, Divine Unions and Living Statues

Week 6 - Getting Creative - Putting the Pieces Together in New Ways