60 Day Adepthood Challenge

This is a revolutionary 60 day course in which you will master virtually every part of modern practical western occultism.

We will use advanced learning techniques and practical exercises to literally build a Magical Memory Palace and Inner Temple of Power that contains complete knowledge of Qabalah, Tarot, Astrology and Elemental magick as well as tools for accessing these in ritual and in your every day life.

In 60 days you will have amazing knowledge and power over your universe.

My name is Jason Augustus Newcomb and I am a magical teacher and author. I have written dozens of books all about practical metaphysical and magical development.

I have spent over 30 years studying and practicing Western esoteric mysticism and magick.

I have spent the last 20 years teaching brain change and magick to thousands of people all over the world.

If you have ever studied anything with me then you know I make sure it is all substance in everything I teach. I try to give as much meat as possible, as much cake, with as little frosting as I can.

So, what is this course about?

It is a brand new approach to mastering Western Esoteric Power and Lore.

There are 6 essential components of being an adept in western magical systems as far as I am concerned. You may add one or two things or even take away one or two, but these are my list..

  • Complete practical knowledge of esoteric symbols, metaphysical structures and beings within the magical system of the adept's choice
  • The ability to use magical forces to attempt to alter the universe.
  • The ability to easily raise magical energy and transfer it to others for healing, empowering, or any other purpose.
  • The ability to see and travel effectively in the inner planes.
  • The ability to commune with the intelligences of the universe.
  • The ability to divine the future for oneself and others.

These are what you are going to learn in the 60 Day Adepthood challenge.

I have long recognized that the essential knowledge and abilities of the Adept are easily gained in a relatively short period of time, and that it is not even an extremely difficult task if you know how to utilize the many benefits of neurological conditioning, mnemonics, and other brain sciences.

The vast majority of people use their thoughts in a disorganized fashion that creates impediments to growth. In this course we are going to take advantage of multi-layered associations and the inherent power of our Western spiritual models to accelerate your progress to a nearly exponential degree.

This is the course I have been wanting to teach for nearly 20 years! Technology has finally come far enough to make it possible!

In this course you are going to gain:

  • Complete knowledge of the Tree of Life and its relations with Qabalah and magick
  • Complete knowledge of the meanings, order and relationships of all Astrological signs, planets, aspects and ability to divine with confidence
  • Complete mastery of the Tarot, including all esoteric names and symbols for both divination and magick.

You are going to build all of these occult treasures into an incredibly powerful Magical Memory Palace and Inner Temple that also serves as a magical tool from which you can draw upon all of these energies directly for magical purposes.

At the same time you are going to address many of your own imbalances and areas of weakness through specific magical practices that relate to the material you will be learning.

In other words you will be putting your knowledge to work from day one so you will be empowering yourself in multiple planes at once.

You will personally gain:

  • the ability to master your emotions, behavior, thought patterns and will.
  • the ability to raise and direct magical energies easily and effectively.
  • the ability to communicate with the spirits of nature more easily than ever.
  •  a deeper connection with your own divine genius and personal destiny.

The course is conducted through a series of video lessons from me that you will be able to access day by day in progression. In addition there will be occasional PDFs and other files, as well as an opportunity to ask questions and have them answered by me throughout the day.  

And in 60 days time you will have this material mastered and be well on the way to mastering yourself. I want to be clear, when I say mastery, I mean you will know this stuff backwards and forwards, and you will know it for life.

The value of this course is really far over $1000.00. You will be receiving so much that you may wonder if I am being sincere!

You are going to be blown away by your own abilities that we unlock in this course. The magical powers of your mind and being are nearly infinite, and you are going to go a long way to proving that to yourself in a few weeks when you sign up right away.

71 Lessons

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Day 0 - Course Intro and Preparations PART 1

Day 0 - Course Intro and Preparations PART 2

Day 0 - Course Intro and Preparations PART 3

PART 4Day 0 - Course Intro and Preparations PART 4

Day 0 - Course Intro and Preparations - Induction Version 1

Day 0 - Course Intro and Preparations - Induction Version 2

Day 0 - Course Intro and Preparations - QUIZ

Day 1 - Art of Memory 1

Day 2 - Art of Memory 2 - PART 1

Day 2 - Art of Memory 2 - PART 2

Day 3 - Art of Memory 2A - PART 1

Day 3 - Art of Memory 2A - PART 2

Day 4 - Visualization Techniques

Day 5 - Energy Breathing Techniques

Day 6 - Having Visions

Day 7 - More Visions

Day 7 - More Visions

Day 8 - Inner Temple Memory Palace and the Zodiac

Day 9 - The Powers of the Zodiac Signs

Day 10 - The Seven Ancient Planets

Day 11 - Elemental Guardians and Planetary Rulerships

Day 12 - Complete Walk Through

Day 13 - Placing the Yetziratic Images Upon the Paths

Day 14 - Four Worlds and Tree of Life Drawing

Day 15 - Hebrew Alphabet - Mother Letters

Day 16 - Hebrew Alphabet - Mother and Double Letters Review

Day 17 - Hebrew Alphabet - Simple Letters Review

Day 18 - Hebrew Alphabet Mnemonics and Telesmatic Images

Day 19 - Erecting the Tree of Life

Day 20 - Houses

Day 21 - Rulerships, exaltations etc.

Day 22 - Aspects and interpretation

Day 23 - Meeting the Inner Teacher and Archetypal Traveling

Day 24 - Number Mysticism and Tracing Polygons

Day 25 - Finishing Polygons and Polygon Temples on the Tree of Life

Day 26 - Divine Names

Day 27 - Archangel Names

Day 28 - Angelic Choirs

Day 29 - Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram

Day 30 - Greater Rituals of the Pentagram - Grade Signs of the Golden Dawn

Day 31 - Rituals of the Hexagram

Day 32 - Review Whole Temple of Memory and Phonetic Memory System

Day 33 - Planetary Kamea

Day 34 - Creating Simple Planetary Talismans

Day 35 - Intro to Geomancy

Day 36 - Geomantic Symbols

Day 37 - Starting Geomancy Reading - the Shield

Day 38 - Geomantic Divination Continued

Day 39 - Discussion of the Geomantic Chart Interpretations

Day 40 - Geomantic Magic Seals

Day 41 - Review of Materials

Day 42 - Contacting Elemental Beings Visions

Day 43 - Contact Planetary Beings Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun

Day 44 - Contact Planetary Beings Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun

Day 45 - Looking at the Tarot

Day 46 - Minor Cards Zodiac Circle

Day 46 - Minor Cards Zodiac Circle

Day 47 - Building the Tree of Swords

Day 48 - Building the Tree of Wands

Day 49 - Building the Tree of Cups

Day 50 - Building the Tree of Pentacles

Day 51 - Court Cards

Day 54 - Connecting with the Archetypal Powers

Day 52 - Tarot Divination

Day 53 - Tarot Divination

Day 55 - Magical Ritual Tools, How and When to use Them

Day 56 - Invoking Beings and Making and Charging Planetary Talismans

Day 57 - Astral Projection and the Out of Body Experience

Day 58 - Memorizing Longer Rituals - (The Bornless Ritual)

Day 59 - Final Walkthrough of all Knowledge and Testing

Day 60 - Conclusion and Final Exam